Actually I've been wondering what is the meaning or independence.Yes, maybe outside we really are but do we really do in the inside..not many people are patriotic nowadays...and i'm not patriotic myself but I'm proud to be a Malaysian and this is the way I show I love Malaysia..We can see that many people carry Malaysian flag but do they really care..Ask yourself that question because I don't have the answer.
Yes, we have gained independence, but do we really gain independence.inside of us??in our heart, social,crime, corruption...all that..i don't think so..Internally, we have not gain independence..We have heard many cases of snatcher..in fact my own sister happened to be the victim.Luckily only her hand phone got snatch not her life. Their hand should be cut, for the rapers, their d**k should be cut so they cannot rape anymore. Those bastard should die anyway.
Despite all this, Malaysia has grown and take another step to be known to the world. If compare with Japan we need to work harder to achieve their level but it is not impossible. We are getting there step by step.
There is a lot I wanted to write but I just can't recall what I'm gonna write..haha, anyway for all muslim "Selamat Berpuasa"..This is Ramadhan so respect it..
hapi merdeka day to and all of Malaysian peoples out there. Yup,u'r right dude..not many of us know the true meaning of independent except those live before independent and peoples that live and build our country right after independent.Those peoples in government, local rural areas peoples and soldier that always patient and fight to defend our country from any enemy including communist that still hidden after the independent day of Malaysia is true hero. In my opinion,those Malaysian peoples at that time is deserve what we had today. But there always in my mind,among us who is really do know the meaning of Merdeka, does merdeka only for Malay. I,me,my self dunno the answer. Talk about the crime that rapidly happened nowadays, i do admit it. Here,in my neighborhood place there are posters that warning peoples to beware of Bulgar that actively doing his job. According to Pakistani that work as maintenance in here, i call him uncle. The person that doing this crime is the same person that he caught last time. He wonder why police let him out from lock up.This person will come here and doing the same thing over and over again and keep in and out from the lock up too.He said if in Pakistan this person will be beaten until he experience permanently leg broken. Then,he will understand and that the only way to give him lesson. Lately, i saw in t.v police have change the strategies to control this activity by shooting those criminal at crime scene.Then, they show it on Buliten Utama. Good ways to warning them. But how about those doing snatcher, rapper, Ah Long, etc.They are dangerous too and seems do not fear of society but they are not doing heavy crime as shown in t.v and don't forget still dangerous. Can society beaten them up or they suppose not out from lock up. In my opinion, those criminal suppose not come out from lock up or jail until they finish incentive program which to build up his new identity and a new life.This is only way to make him to be a better person and prevent him from doing the same crime over and over again.These person don't have "Jati Diri" and "Nilai Murni" in his mind and soul.We do punish them but never teach them to be a good person.They just have a stupid mind but i sure they have feeling too as a human being.If they still not change after that it is time to practice Islamic Laws.I feel sorry to what happened to your sis dude.I hope she will be fine and do not feel phobia after what was happened to her.Anyways,that only my opinion and suggestion if we want to be successful country like Japan.The main point is mentality and practice.Our peoples is really good on paper,but fail in practice.This happened because of mentality.They are clever,have PhD,Master,some of them proud to be Lecture but only mean Permanent Head Damage(PhD)to society because only great on paper not practice.I hope the youth generation will manage to change this generation with more good attitude and practice because we feel the bad effect of what they doing.Finally,happy Independent day and don't skip fasting,dude.
excuse me, do i need to write in english too??hehe..:P
i just read ur article bout merdeka just now..ececeh..
n wat i want 2 say is, thank u 4 wishing my besday..hahahaha..:P
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