[01] Real name: Khairul Ikhwan
[02] Nickname: Kayroll
[03] Married: single
[04] Zodiac Sign: cancer
[05] Gender: Male.
[06] Age: 21
[07] High School: SMT Ampangan
[08] College: Uitm (hopefully)
[09] Height: 169cm
[10] Weight: 55 kg
[11] Do you like yourself: very much (who else will like me besides me myself right?)
[12] Piercings:never
[13] Right or left: never thought of it and never will
[14] Are you a freak : i guess so, im different from people cause i came from another planet haha
[15] Hair: now, long but i prefer short..dpends on my mood
[16] Skin: normal asian
[17] Allergic: dunno
[18] What are you doing now: answering this question la
[19] What will you doing 1 hour later: sleep
[20] What will you doing 10 years later: open up a business
[21] Live with mother/father/parents: parents
[22] Siblings(included you): 4
[23] Eldest: brother
[24] Youngest: brother
[25] Love/hate your family: dunno, 50-50 i guess
[26] You found your another half: what half?? im normal la (i've check with the mirror)
[27] If yes, who is he/she:dunno, not found yet
[28] If no, who you want he/she to be: polite, perempuan melayu trakhir
[29] Time(s) you in relationship: 1
[30] Ever woo boy/girl(0-100000): nope
[31] Anyone woo you before(0-100000): nope gak
[32] Did anything wrong to your other half: im skipping this part
[33] What was/were the wrong you had done: this one 2
[34] Ever argue with your other half: same here
[35] You with your other half since: i hate this part
[36] Are you straight/Lesbo: straight.
[37] Reasons you love your other half: no reason, im normal so i love myself
[38] You and your other half in which stage: lalalaa
[39] You woo he/she or he/she woo you: no
[40] Ever think of marry he/she: not yet found la,how many times 2 tell
[41] Your first best friend: when i was in kindergarden, forgot his name
[42] Your first enemy: not yet
[43] The friends you love the most: everyone
[44] The enemy you hate the most(1only): not yet
[45] Your most beautiful girl friend: dunno la, same je
[46] Your most handsome boy friend:let me think 1st
[47] The kind of girl you hate the most: pisau cukur, play girl,
[48] The kind of boy you hate the most: talk behind my back
[49] You fall in love with your close friend before: mayb, dont want to tell u
[50] Your best friend is your ex-lover: no
[51] If your friend backstabbing you: ignore it or mayb i'll stab him 4 real haha
[52] If your friend betray you: let him la, dont care
[53] If your friend woo your lover: call the JAWI
[54] If your friends fall in love with you: i'm grateful
[55] If you fall in love with your best friend: jodoh di tgn tuhan
[56] Are you a good student: dunno, ask my lecturer
[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments: seldom
[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most: cant say i do, but i respect them all
[59] Always late to school/college: school-never, college-seldom
[60] Your class: back in diploma,emm boring
[61] You love your seniors: yeah, man, in, cumie all my big bro haha
[62] Senior who you love the most: all d same
[63] Your classmates good/bad:dunno dont have one but in diploma, all were good and the best
[64] Excellent result classmate: dunno, many la, xsmpat nk tnye
[65] Laziest classmate: me, i guess
[66] Smart people: know what to do with their life
[67] Stupid people: act like they know but the truth they know nothing
[68] Good looking people: actor and actress
[69] Ugly people: not me to judge
[70] Funny people: people that tell joke la..what kind of Q is this?
[71] Cute people: as long i see them cute, they are cute
[72] Bad people: hipokrit, hate them
[73] Honest people: what do you really want me to say?? honest2 la..
[74] Acting people: they act
[75] You are what kind of people: i'm not people, i'm a person
[76] Lip or eyes: eyes
[77] Hugs or kisses: hugs
[78] Shorter or taller: taller
[79] hesitant or spontaneous: spontaneous.
[80] Nice stomach or nice arms: stomach.
[81] Listener or talker: listener.
[82] Romantic or rich: rich.
[83] Good husband or Good Father: dunno, people change..cannot say now,wait till i get marry
[84] Age to get marry: until i'm successful with my life..dunno when
[85] Numbers of kid(s:2 or 3
[86] Career: businessman
[87] Salary: i own the company
[88] Retirement age:until i satisfy
[89] Properties value: millions,hopefully.
[90] Wishes: loving wife, kids and peaceful world
Friday, September 19, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's been a while since I've update my blog..busy la..but i"ve found myself some time to write.I just want to write about my sister convocation. Actually, it has been 3 weeks or so (i can't remember the date) my sister had her convocation. All my family went there, well all except for my brother. It was held at Putrajaya. I forgot that feeling when we were there but overall it was nice for my sister la..All I could remember was I'm sleeping in the car..haha, what else i gotta do?? There were only two person from the family that were allowed in the ceremony, so i and my little bro

Anyway, we still able to sneak into the convo (my father force us). I actually wanted to walk around a little bit rather than waiting to see bunch of guys wearing strange hat to take their dgree.hehe I also gotta see my friends from the uitm and my school..It's been 4 years since i saw him..he was the class rep back in my school days..he was selling flower for the convo, it was after my mother bought the flower we've met, if not, maybe i could get discount haha..and another friend that i've met was my course mate..long time no see you guys.
i wonder whether i should go for my convo.. I just receive a letter today.. It was late though, my mother wanted to see me in that strange hat so much..maybe I call the main campus tomorrow. I'm not say that i'm proud to be graduated and all that, in fact i think maybe i dont deserve to go to the convo because my pointer is not something to be proud of, but at least if that make my parents happy, maybe i should go..we'll see, if i got the mood to go..that's it for today, thank Q all for the comment..
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Best Drama

I'm not busy today, just spend my day sleeping cause I slept at 5 a.m packing to get ready for sell..haha..hey do you guys watch GODA? man, I love that drama..It is at 8TV, thursday at might want to watch it because it is really interesting. I'm not a fan of Malay drama..seriously, if my family wacth it, I will runaway, because the plot is too obvious man..I'm not a pro to critique but I am wacthing. but seriosly, GODA is different, even the pelakon tambahan is quite good, not plastic I mean..Usually, if we watch other drama, they really seem acting, yeah i know there are but if you compare with the english drama they act seriosly, it just seem they act on the spot without reading the script.
GODA is different, it just attract me to wacth it..It is diffrent you know..You guys better watch it yourselves..different people, different opinion..besides, I can learn a little bit about relationship between a guy and a girl.hehe..need experince la..i don't have enough..hey,maybe M could help me to flirt with girls haha..I like that actress Adeela..she's cute..haha..if you guys have questions, ask M at my bloggers link GODA.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Hello again world wide was busy,busy, and busy..then again,it is the same everyday..busy..Yesterday, I went to Putrajaya and Melaka to get some stock..sorry Luqman and Hero, I can't stop by to see you because I don't have time..if I were have time I doubt you awake, I arrive at about 6.30, besides you guys might be busy yourself cause you've got to work..It ust a quick stop, got the stock from my uncle..pickle (jeruk) actually..if you want, better contact me fast.haha
Today, I went to Banting with my mother to get some stock..It rain heavily, I can hardly see the road. I think my mother afraid of my driving..I think i drive carefully..I thought la..because every time I drive all my family just scold me you know. I think the only time I really2 drive careful is when my father beside me haha..that's why I hate driving when my father is around..I know la that's his car but I hate pressure you know, it just like when I turn into corner he wants to comment it but he did not speak though..(wonder how's my research group felt when they ride with me)
I'm waiting for the result to further my degree. I'm bored at home..can't wait to get out..I'm not really business type of guy, but gotta to do so whether I like it or not, to help my mother..after that long journey to Banting, I help out my sis at the shop..kinda..not really, I just accompany her for "buka puasa".hehe It is interesting sometimes to watch people act. I like to observe people. I guess it help me because in my course of study, we study organisational behavior. To learn OB we need to learn about people themselves, because it is people themselves that creates the organisation.
When we are about to close the shop, many people came to buy, I guess that's people call "rezeki"..Thanks to the Almighty God to give us such profit.Alhamdullilah.Today, also I receive a good news, not for me actually but for my sis. She's going to pursuit her Master at UK..Well, she deserves it, unlike her brother haha. Well, it's going to be different if got the chance to pursuit my degree.I'll study hard..
Thanks for the comment from Liyza and Miss Lemon and welcome to my not so good looking gurls and guys can use any language you prefer..just make sure I can understand ok..haha..anyway thanks for reading and wish you gurls Happy Ramadhan and good luck in your degree..
Today, I went to Banting with my mother to get some stock..It rain heavily, I can hardly see the road. I think my mother afraid of my driving..I think i drive carefully..I thought la..because every time I drive all my family just scold me you know. I think the only time I really2 drive careful is when my father beside me haha..that's why I hate driving when my father is around..I know la that's his car but I hate pressure you know, it just like when I turn into corner he wants to comment it but he did not speak though..(wonder how's my research group felt when they ride with me)
I'm waiting for the result to further my degree. I'm bored at home..can't wait to get out..I'm not really business type of guy, but gotta to do so whether I like it or not, to help my mother..after that long journey to Banting, I help out my sis at the shop..kinda..not really, I just accompany her for "buka puasa".hehe It is interesting sometimes to watch people act. I like to observe people. I guess it help me because in my course of study, we study organisational behavior. To learn OB we need to learn about people themselves, because it is people themselves that creates the organisation.
When we are about to close the shop, many people came to buy, I guess that's people call "rezeki"..Thanks to the Almighty God to give us such profit.Alhamdullilah.Today, also I receive a good news, not for me actually but for my sis. She's going to pursuit her Master at UK..Well, she deserves it, unlike her brother haha. Well, it's going to be different if got the chance to pursuit my degree.I'll study hard..
Thanks for the comment from Liyza and Miss Lemon and welcome to my not so good looking gurls and guys can use any language you prefer..just make sure I can understand ok..haha..anyway thanks for reading and wish you gurls Happy Ramadhan and good luck in your degree..
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
It is the 2nd Ramadhan..I want to write yesterday but I'm a little bit busy because my mother started her business so i gotta help her..well, its gonna be a busy week, need to buy all the supply that are needed for the business.Anyway, just want to wish my fellow friends rimza, luqman ,hero, hafiz, dayat, ajit and all my friends that have further their degree Happy Fasting.To all my friend from my old school, ameer, khairy, anip Happy Fasting too.
I'm a little bit tired actually, not because of fasting, well maybe a little bit hehe, i got all the work waiting for, actually i'm just a driver and the muscle man haha.. kinda like postman, need to send supply and bought them..and for my friend Rimza, I got your 'Kurma'..better make it fast if you want to buy it because it really sold out, man..but don't worry, I save a stock for you..i should take..hey maybe you can promote it for me..haha..
I'm a little bit tired actually, not because of fasting, well maybe a little bit hehe, i got all the work waiting for, actually i'm just a driver and the muscle man haha.. kinda like postman, need to send supply and bought them..and for my friend Rimza, I got your 'Kurma'..better make it fast if you want to buy it because it really sold out, man..but don't worry, I save a stock for you..i should take..hey maybe you can promote it for me..haha..
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