I'm not busy today, just spend my day sleeping cause I slept at 5 a.m packing to get ready for sell..haha..hey do you guys watch GODA? man, I love that drama..It is at 8TV, thursday at 9.30..you might want to watch it because it is really interesting. I'm not a fan of Malay drama..seriously, if my family wacth it, I will runaway, because the plot is too obvious man..I'm not a pro to critique but I am wacthing. but seriosly, GODA is different, even the pelakon tambahan is quite good, not plastic I mean..Usually, if we watch other drama, they really seem acting, yeah i know there are but if you compare with the english drama they act seriosly, it just seem they act on the spot without reading the script.
GODA is different, it just attract me to wacth it..It is diffrent you know..You guys better watch it yourselves..different people, different opinion..besides, I can learn a little bit about relationship between a guy and a girl.hehe..need experince la..i don't have enough..hey,maybe M could help me to flirt with girls haha..I like that actress Adeela..she's cute..haha..if you guys have questions, ask M yourselves..click at my bloggers link GODA.
hye. are sirious that drama was good? I think u're right beb. Malaysian local actors, many of them look likes 'kolot'. too depends on the script given..it will be more beautiful if they were act spontaneously.
okay,time to komen..aku tgk cite nie dh lebih 2kali ulang..semate2 nk studi sblm bg komen..malas ckp bkn2 klu xtgk..kirenyer lima episod darab 2 dekat 10kali(nie jer yg aku dpt kat 8tv nyer web site)..okay,mule2 tgk mcm biase jer..1st episod,aku tgk cite nie mcm gubahan satu cite melayu kat tv3 satu mase dulu yg aku penah tgk yg mane ader wartawan n boss dier mcm nie la..pas2 aku tgk dier mcm cite will smith pn ader yg ader pasal macth maker ngan wartawan 2..nape la org prmpn(wartawan) xska Dr love atau macth maker yer??..okay,masuk 2nd episod trus ader dj nas t..hmm,br ader start moral of story..trgelak la jgk tgk(awek myspace dj nas t memang cun tu..perli ker en. k-rol....)tp aku memang ska time kwn kepade gf dj nas t 2 ckp "hary sekarang myspace2"..then,goda start mengoda..nampaknyer cite nie memang cite cinta dr sudut lelaki..skrip dan jalan cite nie nampak nyer pembuat nyer memang bt byk studi n research..buleh kate hebat la..closed to reality,byk pengajaran leh amik..contohnyer,sikap tegas hero cite nie nk spent time kat anak buah dier walaupn bos dier yg dier minat 2 suruh dier ganti tempat..masuk episod empat..memang slalu berlaku..tp sikap xamik tahu laki kt prmpn mesti laki 2 minat bola..dh mcm gol n gincu plak..maybe,semua laki minat bola keras skit kut..okay,masuk episod lima..nie memang best..jalan cite pasal kapel nie kuat..walaupn dier anta pelakun xkenal tp jalan cite dier kuat..pengajaran dan care lelaki 2 ckp kat gurl dier memang abis lembut dan firm..pendek kate Goda is good cite..maybe,this kind of drama yg malaysia nk..tp just nk kurang kan skit pengaruh iklan dlm cite 2..paham maklum la sponsor kan..satu lg,pasal pakaian si della 2..xsejuk ker duk opis pki baju mcm 2..hmm..ape2 pn Goda memang kuat kat jalan cite dan skrip nyer..dicampur ngan teknik olahan dr pengarah n buleh bg 5bintang..walaupn nampak mcm drama Singapore jer..but,good drama..that all from me..sape xtgk lg..sile tgk yer..cite best nie..
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